well it was unpredictable, but not very funny at all. the music was good though it went well with it. it was an OK movie but didn't deserve frontpage...
well it was unpredictable, but not very funny at all. the music was good though it went well with it. it was an OK movie but didn't deserve frontpage...
Ah, well... everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
The most intriguing part of "da biz" is taking the good with the bad, and I realize that nothing created will ever appease everyone.
Thanks for reviewing :)
this series just keeps getting better, THIS WAS THE BEST ONE!!! rug_doctors can go and die because this movie just ruled
yeah whatever
THIS WAS even better THAN THE FIRST ONE!!!! This series is amazing, you are a genius!!
i am a genius, 'myes hahahah
THAT WAS AMAZING!!! Seriously, this has to be one of the bets movies ever made ever ever, it should be on TV or atleast number 1 of all time
yea i know (????)
pretty cool
good animation, not enough one man kill 'em alls aywhere
I like the stealthyness more than the running around, but if more episodes follow they might be more of that ;)
Thanks alot.
i love your movies
this was great, definitely not just another clock movie, you rule.
i sure do, lol
no way
that was never your first!! it was way too good. My first was like a stickman blowing up, don't say it was your first just to get people to vote higher. I BLAM
it was my first well my first movie all my other flash things are like lines squggling but there not movies
yeah man B clock! This reveiw is for the 2nd one aswell -
I put this in my favs, it rules! Go B clock! hahahah I laughed when he said maybe it is a can of pepsi hahahahahahahahahaha nice one!
Fanku very much!!! But u should review the second one as well
it was good
but the drawing let it down. The story and drawing and laughing sucked ass. The rest was OK.
you just described everthing!!! fanx though!
good movie
Give me five!!!
obey me
Age 35, Male
Joined on 7/25/03